What happens when your dad is English and your mom is Russian? Yep! You become bilingual in your mind.
But in Reality you speak quiza English and semi-Russian, hens you speak perfect Englussian!
Ladies and gentlemen! I am Anthony Archibald Edward London, otherwise known as Tony London!
And I am starting my show “From Russia with London”.
Hello, hello, hello my English speaking, American English speaking (believe me there is a difference), Scottish, Irish and Welsh English speaking, Australian English ohh.. sorry New Zealand, Australasian English speaking, Indian English speaking, Canadian English speaking, Chinese and Mongolian English speaking and the whole World’s English speaking, listening and comprehending friends! Hello to all of you!!! I am so pleased to make this show for you!
女士们先生们!我是安东尼·阿奇博尔德·爱德华·伦敦(Anthony Archibald Edward London),你们也可以叫我托尼·伦敦(Tony London)。
This is the White Paper of the Exenium multiplatform cryptocurrency exchange. Our platform is a marketplace for the sale and purchase of cryptocurrency with a comprehensive set of tools for managing a multi-currency investor portfolio.
The main goal of our team is to create a service that will meet all the needs of today’s cryptocurrency market. The users of the Exenium platform will benefit from:
• An intuitive interface
• Listing and support of highly liquid assets
• Personal and financial data security
Exenium is a fully functional, ready to use product implemented as a chatbot (@exenium_bot). Our platform is adapted to the most widespread instant messengers in the world, including Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Discord. Exenium Exchange is rapidly growing and constantly attracts users through the most efficient advertising channels.
Through the ITO (Initial Token Offering) it is possible to acquire the exchange’s promotional token, XNT. One of the particular features of the token, is that its liquidity is guaranteed through a planned buy-back program with a 10% premium on its market price, with subsequent removal from circulation.
Exenium可作为对话机器人(@exenium_bot)进行即时可用的产品集成,同时将提供完整的产品功能。我们的平台已适配世界上最为流行的即时通讯程序,包括Telegram、WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Discord以及微信。Exenium交易所正在快速成长,同时也在通过最为高效的广告渠道吸纳新用户。
通过ITO(Initial Token Offering,首次代币发售)活动,用户将有机会获得本交易所的推广代币——XNT。这一代币的一项独有特性就是其流动性将通过定期执行的回购计划得到保证。在该计划中,我们将在市场价格的基础上加价10%进行回购,随后将已完成回购的部分移出流通过程。